
Hello and Happy New Year! I just wanted to pop in to give a quick update on what’s been going on with me. First and foremost, as of January 6th 2020, I am now officially Vivo’s new 1st Assistant Editor. I still can’t believe it! It’s a bit surreal that the next step forward has already shown itself, but I suppose God’s timing is always outside of our own timetables. I’ve been blessed with a wonderful 2nd Assistant who is so eager to learn and has already started to master our workflow in only a matter of 2 weeks!

Not going to lie, it’s a bit scary having to think about the wave of responsibilities that this new position will bring, but I can find comfort though in knowing that my team and the Lord have my back to help get me through it all.

Now with almost being a year out from our release date of April 2021, I look forward with anticipation for the challenge ahead. I pray for a clear head, a calm heart during stressful times, and good communication. The finish line is steadily approaching, and I am so excited to see it through to the end :)